Mobile Phone Challenge: Target Hope


Target Hope, a community service and mentorship/leadership program, would like to make students aware of the opportunities and resources offered on the Mizzou campus. Vice Pres. Danielle Pollard says the resources on campus are underutilized.

“I am basically the presidents right hand man,” Pollard said. “[The President and I] go to an elementary school called Gentry and mentor students. We also focus on making students aware of resources on the Mizzou campus, such as: ARS, Counseling Center and Women’s Center.”

Target Hope wants students to have easy access to their organization. Their twitter can be found at @targethope_mu.

For my regular readers: This was a mobile phone challenge where I could only use my phone to publish, gather media, etc for this blog. My normal blog post will be posted at the end of this week. Thanks!

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